Show members their own unique stats on any Webflow page.
Want members to have access to their own unique analytics?
Simple create your dashboard in Nocodelytics and place it on your members' profile page.
Give members a way to see their unique activity and engagement on their profiles.
If members can see how they're performing, they'll find your service more valuable.
Members can regularly check their analytics and keep coming back to make improvements.
Supports all membership platforms out of the box.
Building a member dashboard in Webflow is really simple when you use Nocodelytics.
To build your member dashboard, first connect Nocodelytics to your Webflow site with a simple script. No need to write any code!
Select the type of metrics you want on your dashboard and customize the layout.
Copy your dashboard's iframe script and place it in an HTML Embed anywhere on your Webflow site.
Adding analytics to your Webflow member dashboard is really simple. All you need to do is make sure you have a page for your members to access their analytics as well as a public page which you want to report analytics for. Once you have those, just connect Nocodelytics to your Webflow account, set up your dashboard and then embed it wherever you like in Webflow. With a simple script you can provide unique analytics to all of your members.
The steps to building a member dashboard in Webflow vary depending on which membership service you use. Follow the relevant tutorial depending on whether you're using Memberstack, Outseta or native Webflow memberships.