
Learn how to customize the in-app and embedded dashboard experience.

You can customize some of the data your see both within Nocodelytics itself and on any embedded dashboards.

What can you customize?

Here's what you can currently do:

  • Hide the date selector
  • Choose your own data
  • Filter the data

If you do any of the above in Nocodelytics and then navigate away, you will lose the customization. However, on an embedded dashboard (or metric), you can use custom JS to apply the customization by default for any user that sees it.

How to customize

All of the customization options mentioned in this guide can be achieved by passing parameters (params) to the URL. What this URL is depends on whether you want to customize Nocodelytics itself or your embedded dashboard/metric:

  • In the Nocodelytics dashboard, what you will change is the URL at the top of your browser.
  • In an embedded dashboard/metric, what you will change is the "src" part of the embed code.

For multiple customization options, you will be adding multiple params to the URL, so you will need to include the & separator between each.

Hide the date selector

To hide the date selector, add "?hide_datepicker=true" to the end of the URL/src.

Choose your own date

To choose your own date, add "?timeframe=Today" to the end of the URL/src.

You can choose from these time frames:

  • Today
  • Last7days
  • Last30days
  • Last3Months
  • Last6Months
  • LastYear

If you wanted to, you could allow your own users/clients to select the time frame by adding a select menu, giving each option in the select a value that matches the above, and then update it using custom JS.

Filter the data

You can filter the data returned by the dashboard/metric using the below options:

  • 'timeframe': pass the above to return data during that time frame
  • 'isMember': pass true or false to return either only members or non-members.
  • 'domain': pass the Webflow staging domain to return data from that (hidden by default)
  • 'emailAddress': pass an email address to return data for only that user

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