Frequently asked questions

Common issues including set up, account and settings.

Do you support form tracking?

Yes! You can now track forms. Check out our form tracking guide for more.

Do you support third party form tools like Jotform or Typeform?

We don't support those tools at the moment. In the future, we may support those by adding an integration. If you'd like us to do this, please reach out.

How often does the data update?

You'll get the latest data whenever you load your dashboard. So if someone has visited your site just a few seconds ago, you'll see that reflected in your data almost immediately.

Can I store tracking data in the CMS?

At the moment you can't store any of Nocodelytics' tracking data in the Webflow CMS. However, we are working on a way to store a count of views (and potentially other data) in the CMS in the future. Sign up for our store views in CMS beta to know when this is ready to try out.

Why pay for Nocodelytics?

You're probably thinking why would you pay for Nocodelytics when you can simply use Google Analytics for free, right?

Well, in short, Google Analytics (and other tools) will take up huge amounts of your time if you want to track buttons, forms and more. Nevermind tracking popular collections which is incredibly easy with Nocodelytics.

And oh yeah, did we mention that you can create a dashboard for your clients so they can view their analytics easily too?

Don't just take our word for it though...

"Building an analytics dashboard for Webflow projects has never been easier and our clients have never been happier! Using Nocodelytics is truly an unfair advantage for our agency. The actionable data we provide our clients with Nocodelytics makes all other analytics platforms obsolete."

- Luke Ball, Sweor

Still have questions?

Don't have a Nocodelytics account? Sign up.

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We're building the best analytics tool for Webflow. Get started for free.