Embed single metric

Learn how to embed an individual metric

With Nocodelytics, you can embed any metric into your Webflow site. This is useful if you want to create your own dashboard inside Webflow and share it with clients or members.

How to embed individual metrics

Here's how to embed a single metric:

  1. Go to the dashboard which has the metric, click "Share"
  2. Copy the embed dashboard code (enable sharing first, if it's off)
  3. Paste it into a HTML Embed on your Webflow site
  4. In Nocodelytics, edit the metric you want to share
  5. Copy the unique metric ID in the URL bar (found after metric/
  6. Add ?metric=<METRIC_ID> to the end of the src part of the embed code

Save. Now you will see your metric load and display the results.

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